Extending 555 Timer’s Delay with Integrator

555 IC is very popular component for timer circuit. With integrator circuit, we can extend the timing period of 555IC timer with reasonable capacitor size. With conventional 555IC timer configuration, the timing capacitor will be large compared to integrator version. You can see the comparison in the graph below the schematic diagram. [Circuit’s schematic diagram source: seekic.com]

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Opto-Coupled Discrete Pulse Stretcher

This is a pulse stretcher circuit using optocoupler. This circuit uses a 4N26 opto-coupler combined with a standard one-shot circuitry. This circuit is triggered by pulse about 3μs (minimum width)  at 15mA. The output’s amplitude of this circuit is not depend on the input’s amplitude. The output pulse amplitude is a function of (or proportional to) supply voltage on the […]

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